I have had this brand new DVD set for months. I grabbed it with the intention of beginning an exercise routine then. However, I put it off and put it off... Mainly because of our lack of space. Other excuses were:
* I didn't want anyone to watch me
* I was too tired from working
* There was not enough floor space (which is true)
Now that I have been working on de-cluttering our home there is more space. I had planned on starting this today. However, (and you can interpret this as an excuse or not, but it is the truth) I woke up today not feeling well at all. I felt it coming on a bit yesterday, but just thought I would go to bed early and wake up feeling better. But, that was not the case. I have done nothing more than
Shine My Sink this morning. Anytime I get up, I just want to lie down and sleep.
ANYway..... When I get up tomorrow and this sickness has left me, this is what I will be doing. In the boys' room, since it has the most floor space. With the door closed, so noone can watch me, lol!
I'll let you all know how it goes!